Saturday, September 22, 2007

"To change the system, you have to be in the system"

I need an answer. Why is it important to have many faces? why is purity a weakness? I want to question the predominance of perception over reality. When there is the reality on one side, why is perception still the king? Its strange how far it can go. The point is, it does. Now im not going to argue over the phenomenon. I have known it exists. What i want to know is what made it rule. What made reality the second cousin. Why is the fake side celebrated?

The thing is the revelations should keep getting better. If you are thought of as great but are found not to be, the its a downslide. On the contrary, if the case is vice-versa, it is a pleasant realization. And thus treasured. But if one is good what is the necessity to wear a mask. The delight can be in the fact that it is such a blissful state to not to have to put effort in developing something with which you are not being true to yourself.

Either lookout for your type of surroundings. Or suit yourself to the best available. In the game of cricket, you cannot say i will not have a strategy because i play well. Despite being the best player, you will not win the game. You have to supplement your strengths. Aggressiveness is getting what you think you deserve. You are actually serving your true self by getting it its worth. It will be a defeat to your good spirit if you let it scramble in the belief that it is being protected. At the end of the day, it will never have recieved its worth.

I am not convinced.
( Lolz You better be).

Ah, actually, you are not wearing any masks at all. You are recognising other people's masks. You are realizing that everyone is not like you. You are understanding what they are capable of. You are now truly protecting your turf. In fact, you are now ready to attack.

** Christ should not have sacrificed himself. He should have fucked their case.

posted by Fly @ 2:07 AM  


  • At October 1, 2007 at 3:11 PM , Blogger hemant said...

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  • At October 1, 2007 at 3:14 PM , Blogger hemant said...

    It's not IMPORTANT to have many faces. but the fact is that we (everyone) HAVE different faces. well, if you don't like the word faces, then lets call them layers. a person can never be good OR bad. so there are a lot of layers to us. some may even contradict our belief of ourself, but those layers do exist. and all these layers together form US (the person). without any one of those layers, you are not the real you, the COMPLETE you. and about perceptions...we have already established that they do exist whether we like it or not.


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