Monday, November 26, 2007

lump in the throat.

can this generation make friends?
can we make friends?
friends that last.
friends that are friends.
so narrowed down is our qualification for a friend that i wonder how many will pass through them in the test of time.
i wonder how many will remain.
a quest for the perfect perfection, even in friendship.
can we deal with each other? the way i am? the way you are?
if love is the delicacy of life, friendship is definitely the garnish.
its vanishing. its going. the food is just boiled now. and we care a damn.
things change. u become predicatble. non-exciting in other words. a new person, a new humour, a new passion, or the sheer lack of it, attract you.
change can kill you. and no one will bother. u will stand fucked, and you have just you for company. the laughs are gone. the memories wont fade. life will move on. you too will. without it. without much.
the phoenix resurrects and you know things happen for the good.
but i crave for permanency in a world where change is the only permanent thing.
that is why we live for ourselves.
that is why we care a shit.
that is why you can go take a high if you have a problem.
you can ditch me tommorrow, why should i be there for you.
i am no saint.
i am human.
and i hate you.

posted by Fly @ 2:51 PM  


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