Monday, December 31, 2007

the year that was

This year gets the creadit for being one where i've grown up the most.

I understood the difference between personal and proffessional. and that its not that difficult to follow.

I understood that the world at large and your own world function at the same dynamics. bad people are not out there, they might be with you. they dont acknowledge it either.

Trust your instincts.

Listen to your heart.

Be your own judge.

Don't waste time on worthless things.

Work hard and smart.

The removal of crap means more attention to the good stuff.

anyways, iv made up my mind to not let stuff affect my happiness. i know what i am and it just ends at that.

my paternal grandpa is coming to stay with us. im happy. i like old people in the house.

my wishlist for the coming new year is: -

my sister settles in the US.

my TVC releases and is a hit.

4 good campaigns would do.

i feel sure about my career. in any way.

my mom doesnt fall sick at all.

my brother climbs the ladder.

his ailments reduce and he is very happy.

i see new places.

swc keeps on rocking.

2007's arrival gave me very positive feelings. 2008 is giving me mixed ones. more tpwards the negative side rather. i really hope its a great year. it ought to be. it has to be. it should. it must. it better.

new year new year new year!! im quite excited. cz this time i really dont know whats coming. during education , the next year was the next standard. but this time....i really dont know. hey bhagwan! n the point is, so much has changed. pluses and minuses. significant ones. n it all happened during year end. all implementation will happen in the year to come. and so their results will show. good or bad. dekte hai.

posted by Fly @ 1:49 PM  


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